Bad Things Happen, book review

Bad Things Happen, written by Harry Dolan, is one of the most complicated crime novels I’ve ever read. The plot centers around the death of Tom Kristoll, a literary journal publisher in Ann Arbor, Michigan. There’s a precursor murder, too, that figures deeply into the chain of events, and it’s this primary act that sets the main character on his journey to find out what happened, how it happened, and who made it happen. David Loogan is the main character and he has some secrets of his own. You’ll have to jump a hurdle in the beginning of the book, one that’s not easy to get over, but if you do, you’ll be richly rewarded with a convoluted experience worth your reading hours.

As Loogan sniffs out the trail of Kristoll’s killer, he finds himself enmeshed with a number of minor and major literary characters, all with ties to Kristoll, all with potential motives, and they include Kristoll’s widow who uses Loogan for some fun of her own. Loogan is not alone in his quest. The book is set in Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA and Detective Elizabeth Waishkey is on the case. She’s got detective talent, a daughter, and no husband. Her emotions can get confused at times (this is the weakest part of the story but don’t let it knock you out of the narrative). Working toward the same goal but for different reasons, Loogan and Waishkey uncover the facts and track down the killer(s) in a highly readable thriller. But thriller is not the best way to describe this book. It has thrilling elements, but it also has intricacies that pull you along, that make you turn the page.

There are enough twists to satisfy any crime novel lover and the best part is every one is believable. It’s rare a book like this achieves that mission, but Harry Dolan does, and my hat is off to him. Enjoy the ride!

Published in: on July 27, 2010 at 12:28 pm  Leave a Comment  
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