Tugboat Captain’s Point of View

Here’s a video I made showing a tugboat captain’s point of view as his boat pushes a loaded barge out of the Schuylkill River to a dock on Delaware River.

The video was made with the tiny Osmo Pocket Camera, which did a great job considering the conditions. In any case, now you can see what the captain sees. Enjoy.

Delaware Bay Anchorage

We interrupt the postings from Spain for this photo taken on a southbound flight over the Delaware Bay. Look closely and you’ll see ships in the anchorage.

IMG_0022That’s Cape May in the upper left part of the frame. I used to be down there looking up. Now I’m up there looking down. Kind of strange. Thanks to American Airlines for another great flight.


Check out this vintage Rokon from 1971, lovingly restored by a friend of mine.


Before there were all many of all terrain vehicles, there was the Rokon, which features an amazing design. Both the front and rear wheel are drive wheels thanks to a gear box located under the seat and a driveshaft that runs forward.


The Rokon is a rugged machine designed for rough use. The wheels are hollow and you can use them to store fuel.


While innovative, the design is fairly simple as you can see in the close-ups above and below.


It’s an impressive unit given when it was first available. Some stunning examples still in use.

Tugboat idling

Spotted this handsome tugboat idling in the river during a recent video mission.DSC_1780

Great looking boat, well cared for, and working steadily. (Nikon D810)