Serious Jamón

If you’re serious about your jamón, especially the ibérico, then you’ll have to make a pilgrimage to Spain and visit one of the many shops that specialize in this delicious delicacy. During my recent trip, I found myself wandering about the streets of Madrid, eventually to Cava Baja, where there are a number of fine tapas joints. Lo and behold! There stands Alma de Ibérico at number 41 Cava Baja, the shop you see in the photo below:

While I stood by with my mouth watering, I watched a master carve off the thinest slices for a nice lady. These slices are so thin, they melt in your mouth, releasing all the flavor of a well-cured meat. Now, just in case you want to purchase your jamón intact and do the carving yourself, check out the selection below with yours truly grinning at the possibilities:

Take your pick! It is tempting but not inexpensive. Then again, the good things in life are never cheap. At any rate, if you find yourself in Madrid, on Cava Baja, make a stop here. You won’t be disappointed.

Published in: on May 4, 2010 at 4:22 am  Leave a Comment  
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