Aruba, Climbing Casibari Rocks (2014)

Here’s a short video I made showing the actual climb up the Casibari Rocks. It’s worth the effort for the view.

After a climb up there, stop at the snack bar below and enjoy an ice-cold Coca-Cola or other beverage of your choice! You earned it. Bon dia!

Casi Bari Rocks, Aruba

There are giant granite boulders located at Casi Bari in Aruba. I mean these things things are huge. You can climb a set of rough hewn stairs to the top, passing between the stones, for a great view around the island. Here’s a video showing just that. Please excuse the shaky camera work. I had to speed it up a little and need some more practice with the new camera. At any rate, here we go:

Quite a view from up there, which also gives you a sense of how small the island is. You’re standing near the center of the island from east to west, which means those cruise ships are closer than you think. Still, plenty of room for a visit to Aruba. Stop by, the water’s warm. Bon dia. (For the technically interested, this was the Canon XF100 doing the video work. With a tripod, the video will improve dramatically. Be patient; it’s on the way.)

Published in: on November 19, 2011 at 1:16 am  Leave a Comment  
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