Flying Fishbone Restaurant, Aruba

So many people have asked me about the Flying Fishbone Restaurant in Savaneta, Aruba, that I’m compelled to put this post up now, especially since I took some nice photos last evening. Here’s a shot of the outside of the place, which started out as an old Cunucu house situated directly on the water.

It is easy to find this restaurant. Simply drive south from the airport until you enter Savaneta, then turn right at the S. Chow grocery store. Continue straight for about 1/4 mile to where the road splits and turn left. Follow this road for about a mile and you’ll see a sign on the right that leads you off the paved road onto a dirt one and just a hundred yards on and you’re there. You’ll see plenty of cars. Here’s a closer look at the entrance.

Everything on the menu here is good. The service is equally good. In other words, there is a reason this place is about the most popular on the island: QUALITY. Another reason is that you can have a table that is actually in the water, as in your feet are immersed in the warm Caribbean sea while you dine on all those great dishes. If you don’t believe me, take a look.

How’s that for seaside dining? And just in case you need one more reason to have a leisurely, romantic dinner, take a look at this, which is your view when Mother Nature cooperates.

 Hard to beat, eh?

Enjoy your dinner, and since I live just a few houses away, stop over for coffee or bourbon some time.


(Side note to some of my readers who have asked about the locations in my novel, An Island Away. Yes, most all of the locales in the book are real and as described. I did take a few liberties with one or two simply to make plot points possible. There was a scene that took place at Flying Fishbone in the original draft, but it was cut. Sorry. However, I am considering a scene for the sequel, Under A Blue Flag. We’ll see how it works out.)

Published in: on July 18, 2008 at 12:01 pm  Comments (1)  
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  1. sign me up – i’m ready to go to Aruba! thanks for visitng my blog… peace.

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